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We know how difficult it is to find a trusted and faithful institution to form you for the work of the Church. Mount St. Mary's Seminary & School of Theology (MTSM) will prepare you for God’s purpose and grow your faith.

Find your path

MTSM will return to in-person classes in August 2023. Registration is now open. Other events and spaces will be closed to the public until further notice. For more information, please visit http://athenaeum.edu/response-to-covid-19/

Mount St. Mary's Seminary

Be a candidate for the priesthood and learn the four pillars of formation: human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral.

Learn more about the path to ordination

This program offers graduate and non-degree programs in pastoral ministry as well as a variety of continuing education offerings of interest to adult Catholics.

Discover the path to your next degree

Men in this program prepare to be ordained to the Order of Deacon and to live out this Order in a life of public witness as the Church's minister and a life of service.

Learn about permanent Deacon Formation

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极光 a加速

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Come and see our campus, meet our instructors and learn about your path to formation.

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After your invitation to be admitted, fill out our Admission Form and start reviewing your classes.

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Begin your Holy Journey

Be confident that your future is heading on the right path to do God’s righteous work.

Schedule a Visit

“The classes were worth the time and effort. I learned a lot about my faith, God, the Roman Catholic Church and myself. The instructors were very down to earth and I enjoyed the fellowship with others wanting to learn more.”

Deacon Nick Jurosic

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